
Trip to Washington, D.C.

On my recent trip to Washington, D.C. I realized one of my dreams .... to visit Arlington National Cemetery.

It was an emotional event, my purpose - to see the grave of JFK .... was spiritual and prayerful .... people all around
me, speaking in hushed tones of various languages, all paying their respects to one of America's fallen leaders. The grave site is a perfect tribute.

The trolley circled through row after row of silent graves, holding simple people, famous people, all part of a their own personal heroic moment .... then coming to the Custis-Lee home ..... feeling the anger, sadness and loss of personal history for that family and yet at the same time the sorrow and loss of all the Civil War dead.

When I arrived back home I started to look up the stories of some of the graves ..... I was surprised to learn that
Frank Reynolds, a TV journalist (watched him on the local news and to my family he WAS the news!) had been buried there! The graves highlighted on the website ranged from very old to modern day.

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