
July 6, 2009

This post is just an assortment of random thoughts .........What a weekend! Tony Stewart wins!!!!! The race on Saturday really gave it's money worth. And now they are all coming HERE!!!!!!! If I time it right I'll be able to watch the fly over!!!!!!

I also shopped, worked on my friend's Featherweight, cooked, enjoyed some wine, watched fireworks (they were much too short), added plants to my garden, did a little reading. I ended the day by watching some of the Children's TV shows that I grew up watching. I found these on Youtube, thanks to a good friend (we actually used our cell phones while on the computer so we could watch together, is that 20th century meets 21st century technology?):

1. Captain Kangaroo and the Banana Man
2. Ernie Kovacs and the Nairobi Trio
3. Soupy Sales

All these shows were examples of early TV shows and all were done live! Soupy Sales was hysterical mostly because of the banter between Soupy and the crew. When you watched you felt like you were in on a private joke. The Banana Man was hypnotic.

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