
December 10, 2016

Getting ready for a big storm coming my way!  I love winter weather but I don't like to drive in it (for long distances) and I don't like to walk around in it when it's icy!  So I guess you could say love snow storms when I'm inside the house watching the falling flakes and blowing winds.  Luckily for me even my dogs don't like to really walk about in it anymore.  They are happy with trips to the patio, looking around and then coming back inside where it's warm.

Last night I picked up a new modem at Comcast.  My old modem and router were OLD so it wasn't a surprise when I woke up Monday morning to no WiFi in the house.  I went the week without wireless - like in the old days!  LOL  I made it!  I thought the install was going to be a nightmare but thanks to Comcast it was not.  I know everyone complains about cable especially Comcast but honestly they have great customer service and great online help tools.  

I'm going to a Christmas party in Northwest Indiana later tonight so wish me luck because they're supposed to have more snow then is expected here!  I enjoy holiday parties but NOT in snowstorms!

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